
Quality Improvement System Model

Connect Network Yellow

QIS is designed for implementation in a network setting. The cycle of improvement begins with a baseline assessment of the organisation against the QIS standards, followed by a 3-day training by experts in the module area, individual or group mentoring to assist in the implementation of improvements, and finally an external verification of an accreditation level.

Baseline Assessment

This helps organisations assess where they are at against the QIS standards before the training, orientating them towards their training needs and to assist in setting improvement goals. This information assists both the organisation and the QIS team to monitor where improvements have been made as a result of the programme.


Depending on the module, individual or group mentoring sessions are provided to support the implementation of improvement goals within the organisation. Our mentors are a group of people who have either been on QIS or are part of Connect Network and have experience in a module area — but all serve participants with a desire to see them and their organisations thrive.


Once an organisation has completed all six modules (within a minimum of two years), they will undergo an assessment by the QIS team. In order to be accredited, the results then are verified by an external team representing Viva through interviews with stakeholders, staff or beneficiaries during a site visit.

An organisation can reach accredidation at the Foundations Level first, which means it has good foundations for quality in each of the 6 areas. Once it has achieved this level, it can then work towards being accredited at the Quality Level, which means the orgnaisation is well on the way towards meeting the international standards referred to in the QIS units. Should the organisation not reach any of these levels, they can continue on their journey of improvement and go through the external verification process again, for an extra fee.

If you would like to start an NGO, visit the Department of Social Development’s website for more information.

QIS Training Modules

Project Planning and Design

We want our organisations to be the best they can in the positive impact they have on the lives of women and children at risk. We therefore believe that their programmes and projects should be designed to address the needs of those they have been called to serve.

Project Planning and Design topics include:

  • God’s Heart for Planning
  • Core Purpose & Strategy
  • Project Design
  • Project Management Cycle
  • Monitoring, Review and Evaluation
  • Child Participation

Financial Accountability

We believe that Christian organisations should be as open and efficient about their finance as they can be.

Financial Accountability topics include:

  • God’s Heart for Financial Accountability
  • Understanding Accounts
  • Budgeting
  • Financial Statements
  • Reporting
  • Managing Restricted and Unrestricted Funds
  • Payroll
  • Managing Risk
  • Preparing for an Audit


Governance is the process of overseeing an organisation. It involves ensuring that an organisation meets its legal requirements and that its resources are used wisely and effectively. It also helps to ensure that its work contributes to its mission and purpose.

Governance topics include:

  • God’s Heart for Governance
  • Board Leadership
  • Governance Codes in South Africa
  • Board Roles & Responsibilities
  • Effective Function of the Board
  • Board Openness and Accountability

Child Protection

We are committed to safeguarding children from the risk of harm and neglect. We recognise that every child has the right to be protected from abuse. Abuse thrives on secrecy. It is imperative that those who have children, with or without a parent, in their care are committed to protecting them and are willing to realise that children may be vulnerable to risk from the people who offer care or services.

Child Protection topics include:

  • God’s Heart for Child Protection
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • The Legal Framework in South Africa — The Children’s Act
  • Child Abuse
  • Preventing Harm to Children
  • Child Protection Policies and Procedures

People Care

We believe people are our greatest resource so we should ensure a good quality of working life for our staff and volunteers and aim to do our best for them. People who work for an organisation are central to the success of the organisation.

People Care topics include:

  • God’s Heart for People Care
  • The Legal Framework in South Africa
    – The Labour Relations Act
    – Basic Conditions of Employment Act
    – The Employment Equity Act
  • Unity amongst staff and volunteers
  • Staff Appreciation
  • Staff Management
  • Training & Development
  • Health & Safety

Child Wellbeing

We believe that the work that we do with children should enable every child to reach his or her full potential, regardless of gender, racial or ethnic background, or mental and physical abilities. Therefore, we want to provide the children we care for or serve with the best possible environment – physically, emotionally, spiritually, and developmentally. We also believe that it is important to include children in our decisions and plans in order to empower them.

Child Wellbeing topics include:

  • God’s Heart for Child Wellbeing
  • The UN Convention on the Rights of the Child
  • Child Development Theory
  • Education for Wellbeing
  • Trauma and its effects on the brain
  • Child Participation
  • Spiritual Development
  • Creating safe spaces for children

QIS Partners

Through Connect Network’s partnership with Viva, we are part of a family of 35 networks worldwide of which 11 are implementing QIS. They include:


Kampala – Uganda: CRANE (Children At Risk Network)


Delhi, India: CYM network (Child You and Me)
Dehra Dun, India: Viva Himalaya Network
Hyderabad, India: Blossoms Network
Phnom Penn, Cambodia: Chab Dai Network

South America

‘Red’ means ‘Network’ in Spanish

Bolivia: Red Viva de Oruro, Red Viva de Cochabamba, Red Viva La Paz, Red Viva Potosi
Guatemala: Red Viva Ciudad de Guatemala
El Salvador: Red Viva de San Salvador
Nicaragua: Red Viva de Managua
Peru: Red Viva de Lima
Costa Rica: Red Viva de San Jose